Goveđa pečenica, svinjska pečenica, kulen, kajmak, feta sir, pljevaljski sir, duvan čvarak, ajvar, pileća salata.
Teleća čorba ili bistra supa
Sarmice od zelja sa kiselim mlekom ili Pohovane palačinke ili Lazanje
(dimljeni pileći batak, leskovački uštipak, marinirana sv. rebarca, dimljeni sv. vrat, roštiljska dimljena kobasica),
Topolini ćevapi in somun
Jagnjeće i praseće pečenje
Prilog – Pekarski krompir
Somun, proja, štapići, gurmanski hleb
Chocolate fountain, seasonal fruit
DOMAĆA KAFА Grand, ESPRESSO Barcafe Flora i NESKAFA Nestle
Viljamovka, Kajsija, Šljiva, Dunja
Loza 13 Jul, Cinzano Bianco,
Vodka Finlandia, Vinjak Rubin, Gin Bombay Sapphire, Zlatni Pelin
Coca Cola 1L, Schweppes Tonic 1L, Bitter Lemon 1L, Fanta 1L, Sprite 1L, Next Breskva, Jabuka, Pomorandža, Šumsko voće 1L
Dew carbonated / non-carbonated 0,75 L
Zaječarsko 0,33L, Laško 0,33L
Kovačević, Orfelin 0.75 L
Kovačević, Orfelin 0.75 L
Rose Ruby 0.75 L
Masottina doc Collezione 96 0.75L
The price includes serving homemade drinks in unlimited quantities.
The price is to include a portion of the bride's cake.
Lunch time is 8 hours.
Each additional hour is charged eur 300 in Dinar counter value.
At the conclusion of the contract, an advance of 20% is paid, and the complete payment for the agreed number of guests after the end of the celebration.
If you want to make it easier for yourself to prepare the celebration, we recommend you proven musicians, decorators, printing invitations…
A deliberate break is charged at an invoice price increased by 70%.
The price does not include VAT.
Bulevar vojvode Mišica 14,
Belgrade fair
08:00 – 23:00
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